Saturday, September 25, 2010

The development of the Kingdom of Kediri

In its development, its capital Daha Kediri kingdom grow into large, while the Kingdom Jenggala getting drowned. Allegedly Jenggala conquered by the Kingdom of Kediri. But the loss of trace Jenggala may also be caused by the lack of an inscription inscription found abandoned or not abandoned the Kingdom Jenggala. Kediri kingdom of glory had fallen when the King Kertajaya (1185-1222) at odds with the priest class. This situation is exploited by akuwu Tumapel Tunggul Ametung.

But then his position was taken by Ken Arok. Above is the former kingdom of Kediri, Ken Arok went on to establish the Kingdom Singasari, and Kediri under the authority of Singasari. When Singasari under Kertanegara reign (1268-1292), there was upheaval in the kingdom. Jayakatwang, king of Kediri, which has been subject to Singasari join the Regent Sumenep (Madura) to drop Kertanegara. Finally in 1292 Jayakatwang beat Kertanegara and rebuild the glory of the kingdom of Kediri.

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