Sunday, October 3, 2010

The History of Kingdom

Kediri was an Indianized kingdom based in East Java from 1042 to around 1222. Despite the lack of archaeological remains, the age of Kediri saw much development in classical literature.[1]. Mpu Sedah's Kakawin Bharatayuddha, Mpu Panuluh's Gatotkacasraya, and Mpu Dharmaja's Smaradhana blossomed in this era.
In 1045, Airlangga divided his kingdom of Kahuripan into two, Janggala and Kediri, and abdicated in favour of his sons to live as an ascetic. He died four years later.
The first king of Kediri to leave historical records was Çri Jayawarşa Digjaya Çāstaprabhu (reigned 1104–1115). In his inscription dated 1104, like Airlangga, he claimed himself to be the incarnation or avatar of Vishnu.
The second king was Kameçvara. His formal stylized name was Çri Maharaja Rake Sirikan çri Kameçvara Sakalabhuwanatustikarana Sarwaniwaryyawiryya Parakrama Digjayottunggadewa. The Lanchana (royal seal) of his reign was a skull with a crescent moon called chandrakapala, the symbol of Shiva. During his reign, Mpu Dharmaja wrote Smaradhana, in which the king was adored as the incarnation of Kamajaya, the god of love, and his capital city Dahana was admired throughout the known world. Kameçvara's wife, Çri Kirana, was celebrated as the incarnation of Kamaratih, goddess of love and passion. The tales of this story, known as Panji cycle, spread throughout Southeast Asia as far as Siam.
Jayabhaya (reigned 1130–1160) succeeded Kameçwara. His formal stylized name was Çri Maharaja çri Dharmmeçwara Madhusudanawataranindita Suhrtsingha Parakrama Digjayottunggadewa. The Lanchana (royal seal) of his reign was Narasingha. The name Jayabhaya was immortalized in Sedah's Kakawin Bharatayuddha, a Javanese version of the Mahabharata, written in 1157. This Kakawin was perfected by his brother, Mpu Panuluh. Mpu Panuluh wrote Hariwangsa and Gatotkacasraya. Jayabhaya's reign was considered the golden age of Old Javanese literature. The Prelambang Joyoboyo, a prophetic book ascribed to Jayabhaya, is well known among Javanese. It predicted that the archipelago would be ruled by a white race for a long time, then a yellow race for a short time, then be glorious again. The Jayabhaya prophecies mention Ratu Adil, the Just Prince, a recurring popular figure in Javanese folklore. During the reign, Ternate was a vassal state of Kediri.
Jayabhaya's successor was Sarwweçwara (reigned 1160–1170), followed by Aryyeçwara (reigned 1170–1180), who used Ganesha as his royal Lanchana. The next monarch was Gandra; his formal stylized name was Çri maharaja çri Kroncarryadipa Handabhuwanapalaka Parakramanindita Digjayottunggadewanama çri Gandra. An inscription (dated 1181) from his reign documents the beginning of the adoption of animal names for important officials, such as Kbo Salawah, Menjangan Puguh, Lembu Agra, Gajah Kuning, and Macan Putih. Among these highly-ranked officials mentioned in the inscription, there is a title Senapati Sarwwajala, or laksmana, a title reserved for navy generals, which means that Kediri had a navy during his reign.
From 1190 to 1200, King Çrngga ruled Kediri, with the official name Çri maharaja çri Sarwweçwara Triwikramawataranindita Çrngga lancana Digwijayottunggadewa. He used a cangkha (winged shell) on a crescent moon as his royal seal.
The last king of Kediri was Kertajaya (1200–1222). His royal seal was Garudamukha, the same as Airlangga's. In 1222 he was forced to surrender his throne to Ken Arok and so lost the sovereignty of his kingdom to the new kingdom of Singhasari. This was the result of his defeat at the battle of Ganter. This event marked the end of Kediri era, and the beginning of the Singhasari era.
According Jiyu and Petak inscriptions, during the end of Majapahit era in 15th century, there was a brief resurrection of Daha (Kediri) as the center of political power, which lead by Girindrawardhana in 1478 after he managed to defeat Kertabhumi. But it short lived since descendant of Kertabhumi who became ruler of Demak crushed Daha in 1527.
Srivijaya and Kediri
In 1068, Virarajendra, the Chola king of Coromandel or Tamil Nadu, conquered Kedah from Srivijaya. Virarajendra's records from the seventh year of his reign mention that he conquered Kedah on behalf of a king who had come to ask for help and protection and who had handed it over to him. The possible date for this occurrence is 1068 C.E. As yet there is no knowledge of the Srivijaya king who asked for help and the details of this naval campaign. The Cholas continued a series of raids and conquests throughout what is now Indonesia and Malaysia for the next 20 years. Although the Chola invasion was ultimately unsuccessful, it gravely weakened the Srivijayan hegemony and enabled the formation of regional kingdoms, like Kediri, based on agriculture rather than trade. Later Kediri managed to control the spice trade routes to Maluku.
According to a Chinese source in the book of Chu-fan-chi written around 1200, Chou-Ju-Kua described that in the Southeast Asian archipelago there were two powerful and rich kingdoms: Srivijaya and Java (Kediri). In Java he found that people adhere two religions: Buddhism and Hinduism. The people of Java were brave and short tempered, daring to put up a fight. Their favourite pastimes were cockfighting and pigfighting. The currency was made from the mixture of copper, silver, and tin.
The book of Chu-fan-chi mentioned that Java was ruled by a maharaja, who ruled several colonies: Pai-hua-yuan (Pacitan), Ma-tung (Medang), Ta-pen (Tumapel, now Malang), Hi-ning (Dieng), Jung-ya-lu (Hujung Galuh, now Surabaya), Tung-ki (Jenggi, West Papua), Ta-kang (Sumba), Huang-ma-chu (Southwest Papua), Ma-li (Bali), Kulun (Gurun, identified as Gorong or Sorong in West Papua or an island in Nusa Tenggara), Tan-jung-wu-lo (Tanjungpura in Borneo), Ti-wu (Timor), Pingya-i (Banggai in Sulawesi), and Wu-nu-ku (Maluku).[2].
Regarding Srivijaya, Chou-Ju-Kua reported that Kien-pi (Kampe, in northern Sumatra) with armed forced rebellion had liberated themselves from Srivijaya, and crowned their own king. The same fate befell some of Srivijaya's colonies on the Malay Peninsula that liberated themselves from Srivijaya domination. However Srivijaya was still the mightiest and wealthiest state in the western part of the archipelago. Srivijaya's colonies were: Pong-fong (Pahang), Tong-ya-nong (Trengganu), Ling-ya-ssi-kia (Langkasuka), Kilan-tan (Kelantan), Fo-lo-an , Ji-lo-t'ing (Jelutong), Ts'ien-mai (?), Pa-t'a (Batak), Tan-ma-ling (Tambralinga, Ligor or Nakhon Si Thammarat), Kia-lo-hi (Grahi, northern part of Malay peninsula), Pa-lin-fong (Palembang), Sin-t'o (Sunda), Lan-wu-li (Lamuri at Aceh), and Si-lan. According to this source, in the early 13th century Srivijaya still ruled Sumatra, the Malay peninsula, and western Java (Sunda). Regarding Sunda, the book details that the port of Sunda (Sunda Kelapa) was excellent and strategically located, and that the pepper from Sunda was among the best quality. The people worked in agriculture; their houses were built on wooden piles (rumah panggung). However the country was infested with robbers and thieves.
Celebrated as an era of blossomming literature, Kediri produced significant contributions in the field of Javanese classic literature. Next to the literary works already mentioned, Lubdhaka and Wrtasancaya by Mpu Tanakung, Krisnayana written by Mpu Triguna, and Sumanasantaka by Mpu Monaguna are also notable.
The book of Ling-wai-tai-ta composed by Chinese author Chou K'u-fei in 1178, gave a glimpse of everyday life in Kediri that cannot be found in any other source material, about the government and people of Kediri.[3]. According to Chou K'u-fei, people wore clothes that covered them down to their legs, with a loose hairstyle. Their houses were clean and well arranged with floors made from green or yellow cut stones. Agriculture, animal farming, and trading flourished and gained full attention from government. He reported that silkworm farms to produce silk and cotton clothes had been adopted by Javanese by that time. There was no physical punishment (jail or torture) of criminals. Instead, the people who committed unlawful acts were forced to pay fines in gold, except for thieves and robbers who were executed. In marital customs, the bride's family received some amount of bride price from the groom's family. Instead of developing medical treatment, the Kediri people relied on prayers to Buddha.
On the 5th month of the year, a water festival was celebrated with people traveling in boats along the river to celebrate. On the 10th month, another festival was held in the mountains. People would gather there to have fun and perform music with instruments such as flutes, drums, and wooden xylophones (an ancient form of gamelan).
The King wore silk garments, leather shoes and ornate golden jewelry. He wore his hair up high on his head. Every day, he would receive state officials, managers of his kingdom, on a square throne. After an audience, the state official would bow three times to the king. If the king traveled outside the palace, he rode an elephant and was accompanied by 500–700 soldiers and officials while his subjects, the people of Kediri, prostrated themselves as the king passed.
According to Chinese sources, the main occupations of the Kediri people revolved around agriculture (rice cultivation), animal farming (cattle, boar, poultry), and the spice trade. Daha, the capital city of Kediri, (suggested to be at the same site as modern Kediri) is located inland, near the fertile Brantas river valley. From the predecessor kingdom of Airlangga's Kahuripan, Kediri inherited irrigation systems, including the Wringin Sapta dam. Kediri economy was partly monetized, with silver coins issued by the royal court.
In later periods, Kediri economy grew to rely more heavily on trade, especially the spice trade. This resulted from Kediri development of a navy, giving them the opportunity to control the spice trade routes to eastern islands. Kediri collected spices from tributaries in southern Kalimantan and the Maluku Islands, known to the West as the Spice Islands or Moluccas. Indians and Southeast Asians then transported the spices to Mediterranean and Chinese markets by way of the Spice Route that linked a chain of ports from the Indian Ocean to southern China.
Rulers of Kediri
• Unknown ruler 1042–1104 (the era of twin kingdoms: Janggala and Kediri)
• Çri Jayawarşa Digjaya Çāstaprabhu 1104–1115
• Kameçwara 1115–1130
• Jayabhaya 1130–1160
• Sarwweçwara 1160–1170
• Aryyeçwara 1170–1180
• Gandra 1180–1190
• Çrngga 1190–1200
• Kertajaya 1200–1222
Name of Kingdom : Kadiri
Periode : 1045-1221
Capital : Daha or Kadiri (modern Kediri)
Language(s) : Old Javanese, Sanskrit
Religion : Kejawen, Hinduism, Buddhism, Animism
Government : Monarchy
Raja : - 1104–1115 Jayawarsa - 1200–1222 Kertajaya
History : - Airlangga divided his kingdom into Janggala and Panjalu (Kediri) 1045 - Kertajaya defeat to Ken Arok of Tumapel 1221
Currency : Native gold and silver coins

Friday, October 1, 2010

5. At Daha become subordinate Majapahit

Since the year 1293 became the country Daha subordinate Majapahit foremost. King, who led the title Bhre Daha but merely a symbol, because the government implemented by the governor Daha daily.
Daha Bhre
1. 1295-1309 Jayanagara Nagarakretagama.47: 2; Inscription Sukamerta - accompanied Patih Ox-Sora.
2. 1309-1375 Rajadewi Pararaton.27: 15; 29:31; Nag.4: 1 - accompanied Patih Arya Tilam, then Gajah Mada.
3. 1375-1415 Indudewi Pararaton.29: 19; 31:10,21
4. Suhita 1415-1429?
5. 1429-1464 Jayeswari Pararaton.30: 8; 31:34, 32:18; Waringin Pitu
6. 1464-1474 Manggalawardhani Trailokyapuri Inscription

4. At Daha became the capital Kadiri

Jayakatwang, adalah keturunan Kertajaya yang menjadi bupati Gelang-Gelang. Tahun 1292 ia memberontak hingga menyebabkan runtuhnya Kerajaan Singhasari. Jayakatwang kemudian membangun kembali Kerajaan Kadiri. Tapi pada tahun 1293 ia dikalahkan Raden Wijaya pendiri Majapahit.

3. At Daha become subordinate Singhasari

Panjalu Kingdom collapsed in 1222 and became subordinate Singhasari. Based on the inscriptions At Malurung, known to the kings Daha Singhasari era, namely:
• Mahisa Wunga teleng son Ken Arok
• Guningbhaya sister Mahisa Wunga teleng
• brother Tohjaya Guningbhaya
• Kertanagara grandchildren Mahisa Wunga pupil (of the mother), who later became king Singhasari

2. At the time became the capital Panjalu2 Daha

• Sri Samarawijaya, is the son Airlangga whose names are found in inscriptions Pamwatan (1042).
• Sri Jayawarsa, based on the inscription sirah Keting (1104). It is not known with certainty whether he is the direct successor of Sri Samarawijaya or not.
• Sri Bameswara, based on the inscription Padelegan I (1117), the inscription Panumbangan (1120), and the inscription Tangkilan (1130).
• Sri Jayabhaya, is the greatest king Panjalu, based on the inscription Ngantang (1135), the inscription talan (1136), and Kakawin Bharatayuddha (1157).
• Sri Sarweswara, based on the inscription Padelegan II (1159) and the inscription Kahyunan (1161).
• Sri Aryeswara, based on the inscription Wind (1171).
• Sri Gandra, based on the inscription Nets (1181).
• Sri Kameswara, based on the inscription Ceker (1182) and Kakawin Smaradahana.
• Kertajaya, based on the inscription Galunggung (1194), Inscription Kamulan (1194), the inscription Palah (1197), the inscription Wates Kulon (1205), Nagarakretagama, and Pararaton.

1. At Daha became the capital of the kingdom that is still intact

Airlangga, is the founder of the city as a moving city Kahuripan Daha. When he got off the throne in 1042, the kingdom split into two. Daha later became the capital of the western empire, namely Panjalu.
According Nagarakretagama, led Airlangga kingdom before the split was named Panjalu.

The collapse Kadiri

Vajrasattva Buddha Statue Kadiri era, century X / XI, a collection of the Museum für Indische Kunst, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany.
Panjalu-Kadiri Kingdom collapsed during the reign of Kertajaya, and told in Pararaton and Nagarakretagama.
In 1222 Kertajaya is at odds against the Brahmins who later asked for the protection of Ken Arok akuwu Tumapel. Incidentally Ken Arok and aspire to liberate Tumapel which is a subordinate area Kadiri.
The war between Kadiri and Tumapel occurred near the village of Ganter. Ken Arok troops managed to destroy the forces Kertajaya. Thus ended the kingdom of Kadiri, which has since then become subordinate Tumapel or Singhasari.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Times Literary Kadiri

Art literature received much attention in the days of the Kingdom of Panjalu-Kadiri. Bharatayuddha Kakawin in 1157 written by MPU MPU Panuluh Sedah and resolved. The book is sourced from the Mahabharata which includes victories over Kauravas Pandavas, as a figurative victory over Sri Jayabhaya Janggala.
In addition, the MPU Panuluh also wrote Kakawin Hariwangsa and Ghatotkachasraya. There is also a poet named reign of Sri Kameswara MPU Dharmaja who wrote Kakawin Smaradahana. Later during the reign there were poet named Kertajaya Monaguna who wrote Sumanasantaka MPU and MPU Triguna who wrote Kresnayana.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Development Panjalu

The early days of the kingdom of Kadiri Panjalu or not widely known. Inscription Hyang Down II (1044) issued only to preach the kingdom Janggala civil war between the two kingdoms after the death of Airlangga.
History of the Kingdom Panjalu emerged with the inscription sirah Keting 1104 on behalf of Sri Jayawarsa. Kings before Sri Sri Samarawijaya Jayawarsa only the known, while the sequence of kings after Sri Jayawarsa already be known clearly based on inscriptions found.
Panjalu Kingdom under the government of Sri Jayabhaya succeeded in conquering the Kingdom of the famous motto Janggala with the inscription Ngantang (1135), namely Panjalu Jayati, or Panjalu Win.
In the reign of Sri Jayabhaya this, the Kingdom Panjalu experienced its heyday. This empire includes the whole of Java and some islands in the archipelago, even to defeat the influence of Srivijaya kingdom in Sumatra.
This is reinforced Chinese chronicles titled Ling wai tai ta work of Chou Ku-fei year 1178, that at that time the richest country in addition to China in a sequence is Arabic, Java, and Sumatra. At that time the ruling Arab Abbasids, in Java there Panjalu Kingdom, while the Sumatran Srivijaya Empire controlled.
Discovery Sites Tondowongso in early 2007, which is believed to be relics of the kingdom of Kadiri is expected to help provide more information about the kingdom


Statue of Vishnu, came from Kediri, the 12th century and 13th.
Indeed Daha town existed before the Kingdom of Kadiri stand. Daha Dahanapura stands, which means the city of fire. This name is contained in the inscription Pamwatan issued Airlangga year 1042. This is consistent with the news Candidates in Fiber Charcoal that, at the end of the reign of Airlangga, the center of the kingdom is no longer in Kahuripan, but moved to Daha.
In late November 1042, Airlangga was forced to split the territory of his kingdom because his two sons competing for the throne. Son named Sri Samarawijaya get named Panjalu western empire centered in the new town, namely Daha. While son named Mapanji Garasakan get named Janggala eastern empire, based in the old town, which is Kahuripan.
According Nagarakretagama, before it split into two, the name of the kingdom, led by Airlangga was named Panjalu, based in Daha. Thus, the Kingdom Janggala born as a fraction of Panjalu. The Kahuripan is the name of the old city that has been left Airlangga and later became the capital of Janggala.
At first, the name or Pangjalu Panjalu is more often used than the name of Kadiri. This can be found in inscriptions issued by the kings of Kadiri. In fact, the name Panjalu also known as Pu-chia-lung in the chronicles of China titled Ling wai tai ta (1178).

The collapse of Kediri

After successfully beat his Kertanegara, Kediri kingdom revived under Jayakatwang. One of his squad leader Singasari, Raden Wijaya, managed to escape to Madura. Because of good behavior, Jayakatwang allow Raden Wijaya Pull to open Forest as an area where he lives. In 1293, came the Mongol army sent by Emperor Kublai Khan to seek revenge against Kertanegara. This situation is exploited to attack Jayakatwang Raden Wijaya. He worked with the Mongols and Madurese troops under the leadership of Aryan Wiraraja to demolish Kediri. In the war Jayakatwang forces easily defeated. After that no more news about the kingdom of Kediri.

Panjalu Kadiri Kingdom or Empire, is a kingdom located in East Java, between the years 1042-1222. The kingdom was centered in the city of Daha, located in the vicinity of Kediri now.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The development of the Kingdom of Kediri

In its development, its capital Daha Kediri kingdom grow into large, while the Kingdom Jenggala getting drowned. Allegedly Jenggala conquered by the Kingdom of Kediri. But the loss of trace Jenggala may also be caused by the lack of an inscription inscription found abandoned or not abandoned the Kingdom Jenggala. Kediri kingdom of glory had fallen when the King Kertajaya (1185-1222) at odds with the priest class. This situation is exploited by akuwu Tumapel Tunggul Ametung.

But then his position was taken by Ken Arok. Above is the former kingdom of Kediri, Ken Arok went on to establish the Kingdom Singasari, and Kediri under the authority of Singasari. When Singasari under Kertanegara reign (1268-1292), there was upheaval in the kingdom. Jayakatwang, king of Kediri, which has been subject to Singasari join the Regent Sumenep (Madura) to drop Kertanegara. Finally in 1292 Jayakatwang beat Kertanegara and rebuild the glory of the kingdom of Kediri.

Kediri Kingdom

Kediri kingdom born of the division of Mataram Kingdom by King Airlangga (1000-1049). Solving this is done to avoid disputes among the children concubines. There is no clear evidence of how the empire was broken up and into pieces. The Chronicle noted that the kingdom was divided four or five parts. But in its development, only two kingdoms are often referred to, namely Kediri (Pangjalu) and Jenggala. Samarawijaya as legitimate heir to the kingdom got the old capital, namely Dahanaputra, and the name was changed to Pangjalu kingdom also known as the kingdom of Kediri.